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The creator of plastic bricks, 

The toy that every child picks. 


Started with toys made of Wood, 

For now, that’s were his company stood. 


One day, there was a huge fire, 

It destroyed everything he desired. 


However, he never gave up hope, 

And he managed to keep his company afloat. 


One day, he saw something that would change his life. 

Something that would take his company out of this strife. 


It was a genius break through, 

A toy that was completely new 


He created toys made of bricks, 

However, there were things he needed to fix. 


The bricks would keep falling apart,  

He had to think back from the start. 


Now the bricks were as sturdy as ever, 

This invention was quite clever. 


The toys were pre-made and lacked proper talent, 

So he decided to give the kids a challenge. 


Now children had to make things themselves. 

After they bought it off the shelves. 


However, he was not able to see the success of his creation, 

That soon went viral around the nation. 


His creation made him quite notable, 

His change to the world was very noticeable. 


Who is this notable person? 

Ole Kirk Christiansen. 

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